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The Christ-Centered Life

Writer: Pastor PaulPastor Paul

1 Peter 1:13-25

What does the Christ-centered life look like and how do we attempt to live such a life? Especially in today’s world, the challenges are great to live out what we profess to believe. Yet being a follower of Christ is not only a privilege, but it also comes with responsibilities.

The Call to a Christ-Centered Life

  • “prepare our minds for action.” The King James Version says it best. Gird up our loins. In the ancient world, men wore long robes. When they were required to work or run, they would gather up their robes and tuck them inside their belts in order to give them freedom of movement. In today’s vernacular, we would say, “roll up your sleeves.” Face it. Following Christ requires strenuous activity. Christians are not to be passive. We are swimming upstream against the current of this present age. Against a worldview that is set against Christ.

  • “be sober-minded.” We are to be cognizant of all that is going around us and the many opportunities we have to be light in the darkness. We are to be alert, and consistently aware of the obstacles before us. Our commitment to Christ is a calling. Someone once said that the Christian life is not a playground but a battleground. That may be true, but it is also a life of great hope and joy as we fix our eyes on the person of Christ and all that He has done and will do.

The Characteristics of Christ-Centered Life

What does the Christ-centered life look like? Peter gives us at least three characteristics in verses 14-22.

  • Obedience- One of the chief qualities of a Christ-centered life is one of obedience. In verse 14 Peter refers to us as obedient children. In verse 22 he states we are obedient to the truth. Paul, in addresses the Ephesians reminded the believers there that before they came to Christ they were “sons of disobedience”, “children of wrath”, “living in the passions of our flesh.” (Eph. 2:1-3). When Christ comes into our lives, we are adopted as God’s children. No longer are we sons of disobedience, but fellow heirs with Christ. Our hearts have been changed and continue to change as we desire to be obedient to God’s will and His Word.

  • Holiness - vv15-16. To be holy simply means to be separate. We are separated from the world and consecrated to God. We are “different”. We are in the world, but not to be like the world

  • Loving - Christians are known by their love for one another. v22 states it as brotherly love. Christ Himself said others will know we belong to Him because we love one another.

The Criteria for a Christ-Centered Life

It is not about being better or doing better. In our own strength and abilities, it is quite impossible to even begin to live this life. That is why the heart of this passage is the gospel. In verses, 18-21 Peter stresses the redemptive work of Christ. Christ as our Redeemer. Our Passover Lamb without spot or blemish. The Christ-centered life is only for those who have been born again (v22). Fix our eyes on the gospel and Christ will richly dwell in you and live His life through you. As it says in verse 13 we are to fix our hope fully on the grace that will be ours at Christ’s return. He is coming back for us and we prepare for His return by fixing our hope on Him and His word.




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